Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Disciples mourn passing of Ronald Reagan

DisciplesWorld.com has a nice article about Ronald Reagan's affiliation with First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Dixon, Illinois and Disciples-related Eureka College. Reagan was the third president to be affiliated with the Stone-Campbell movement (along with James Garfield and Lyndon Johnson).

Recently, I've been involved in a discussion group that is reading Thomas Hobbes' magnum opus, Leviathan. Personally, I'm coming from this work from two different angles: first, I'm pursuing a description of Bushian neoconservatism as "an overenthusiastic reading of Hobbes' Leviathan" and second, I'm tracing for myself Alexander Campbell's Enlightenment milieu. Anyway, the following quote comes from Leviathan 5.3:

"...so is it in all debates of what kind soever: and when men that think themselves wiser than all others, clamour and demand right reason for judge; yet seek no more, but that things should be determined, by no other men's reason but their own, it is as intolerable in the society of men, as it is in play after trump is turned, to use for trump on every occasion, that suite whereof they have most in their hand. For they do nothing else, that will have every of their passions, as it comes to bear sway in them, to be taken for right reason, and that in their own controversies: bewraying [revealing] their want of right reason, by the claim they lay to it.

A stinging rebuke of a political and religious dogmatism...


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